Sunday, May 20, 2007

Guess the Countdown

This folks is the group participation part of the blog. In an attempt to encourage even more reader participation, I have created a little game for you.

Can you guess what each countdown is for?

As of Sunday, May 2oth, around approximately 1:17 am.

1) 1 day, 8 hours, 1 minute

2) 44 days, 17 hours, 15 minutes

3) 61 days, 22 hours, 40 minutes

4) 66 days, 22 hours, 39 minutes

Good luck, and may the force be with you... :D

Need a hint? Since I'm a softy, here you go.



Sarah Rutti said...

1 = the time until your graduation ceremony

2 = the time until you go to Gal's

3 = the time until your birthday?

4 = the time until you come to me ;-) hehehe, i checked my phone just to make sure.

Now i think i'm off on number 3 cuase your b day is after you leave. But it's the only thing i can think of happening?

Sarah Rutti said...

I"m gonna go check you hints now

Sarah Rutti said...

p.s. i made a post for out new blog. Let me know if you want me to post it. I also saved a post to put on my blog telling people to come see our new blog. I didn't want to publish it without checking with you first.

(btw- i figured out how to work the links and i'm very excited.)

ok, now i'm really going to go work on my shir, stay tuned.

SEP said...

1 = correct!

2 = correct!

3 = wrong (BIG Hint: This is connected to a countdown I already have running on my blog...)

4 = correct!

SEP said...

Here, lemme give you another hint. You're probably blinded by your prejudice and didn't even think of #3 as anything noteworthy, whereas I am counting down the days to this momentous occasion. I really can't say any more without giving all away.

P.S. My birthday IS after I leave your house, so #3 can't be my b-day. Your reasoning is correct, you just didn't think of the alternative...

Sarah Rutti said...

I had the "a ha" moment over shabbat, it's the coming of harry potter. I was talking to a friend about harry potter and i realized that that was the counter for number 3#!

SEP said...

LOL! CORRECT! Good job Sarahle. I'll have to get you a prize or something. Oh, and again, just for the record, do you like or dislike the Harry Potter series?

Sarah Rutti said...

I don't dislike them. I think it's just that i got out of the ring when i went to israel and now i don't have time to read it, i'm too busy reading english novels for school