Thursday, May 31, 2007

Smiley Time

Recently I posted a cute comment to a friend on one of my previous posts, and it's so cute that I felt it would be criminal not to share it with my other readers.

LOL, I just thought of another one. Are you ready?

This here is a bugeyed lip-licking smiley.
Bugeyed nose-licking version here:

Here is an evil (or unibrowed) lip-licking smiley.
Evil nose-licking version here:

This is a big-eyed lip-licking smiley.

This is a cyclops smiley.

This is a patch wearing, one eyed, pirate smiley.

OK, I think I'd better stop.

This is the original smiley concurring with my decision to stop.

[LOL! :D My imagination runs rampant, doesn't it?]
Want to see the entire conversation? Click here and view comments.

Ooh! I just realized... for my eye patch wearing, one eyed pirate smiley, it could also be the profile of a skater wearing sunglasses. Take a look:


Do you see it? :D

Took a test

Okey dokey then, I am most definitely on the road (me so excited!). I took my first International Business test today, and I think it went okay. Now I know what the tests will be like, and in truth, it's very straight forward. If I know the material, I'll finish quickly. If I haven't memorized the material well, it will be torture - but at least I know now. Now I know. Anywho, I am starving. It's time for lunch, and then maybe I can have some fun. Yeah!

P.S. Look at this "game" I found that tests your world geography knowledge. (I can't find the original game, so this will have to do.)

P.P.S. I just found it. If you're a world expert on geography (or if you played the first game a million times, try this map game.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Time for randomness!


I can't remember if I ever showed this to my friends, so it's worth posting while I'm enjoying a brief interlude from studying for a test.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I may have woken up singing, but I'm crashing now. So tired... want sleep... You try studying for a multiple choice test your first day back to school from break. Humph! We need a song for the occasion...

You know what? I did a Google search, and I can't find a song that has"happy" and "working" in the lyrics. LOL! My poor computer is about to freeze just attempting the search. I may have to compose my own song, and it will have something about being happy to work, but getting tired as well. Hmm... I really shouldn't give myself ideas.

The time has come - I'm sick, and I know it, and that's OK too.

I woke up singing this morning. Do you know why? I bet you'll never guess. For those who are sick enough to guess, or who know me well enough, yes - you know the answer. Classes started again today. YAY! I just had my first International Business class and the teacher is very good although his Russian accent is interesting.

My teacher: Professor? ;p
By the way, did I mention my professor wants us to call him Slava? "Call me Slava." His full first name is Sviatoslav, and even though I cannot pronounce his full first name, I still feel strange addressing my professor by a shortened version of his first name and nothing else. Um, I'm not sure what to say... so, next.

Wanna hear something funny? Picture the scene:
I walk through the classroom door rolling my backpack. The room is deathly quiet as I maneuver my way past chairs and legs to the front row and then down to a seat near the window. I saw some eyes on me, but what do you expect with the getup I wear? (I looked nice today in my new long brown skirt and camel 3/4 length collared summer shirt.) Then, as I sit down, I hear one of the young men in the class say and half whisper, "I thought she was the teacher." I smiled to the room in general at that point thinking, idiots. But it was funny none the less.

Anyways, now that I'm at school and there are a million computers free, since it's the summer and there's almost no one on campus, I may update all the times I don't feel like working. ;p Just kidding. I have a test on Thursday on chapter 1 (can you imagine?). I'm going to have two tests (well the teacher calls them quizzes, but who is he kidding?) a week. Couple that with the fact that I want to write my senior thesis in record time and I think I'll be more than a little busy this coming m0nth. LOL! I'm looking forward.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Correct Spelling of a VERY long word

Hmm, can you see that? This is a shirt that they are selling here in NY in conjunction with the Mary Poppins play. I think it's great. I saw a little girl walking around with it on, and during the play they have this in HUGE, that drops down like a curtain covering the stage during the song and dance to super...
Anywho - so the current spelling is: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. How's that for a 33 letter word? LOL!


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Mary Poppins

Need I say more?

A package, for moi?

I received THE best package in the mail to date this weekend. What was in it? Well, take a look for yourself... (this is just an overview of most items in the package) [Oh, and sorry about the quality of some of the pictures.]

This package drew a lot of attention at the family I live with. "You got a package Sara..." You don't say. They smiled when they saw how it was decorated and I plastered it up on my wall along with everything else (except the erasers and notebook). Lemme tell you, there was a LOT of stuff in there.

Here are some of the postcards that were inside my package.
[59 days, 11 hours, 34 minutes, 43 seconds - and counting... ;p]

This says: "Congrats Sara" - I got another poster that I also love, and these cool pictures, and.... put I didn't have the patience to post is all on my blog. ;p

Here I am smiling with my two new graduation friends! The dog (who is a new friend of Doggy) is named Ralph, and the monkey who says "See ya!" on his belly is Harisha, loosely translated as "monkey lord" in Sanskrit (i.e. of Hindu origin). LOL!

OK, I hope you enjoyed the package as much as I did.

Thanks Sarah Rutti -

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Pure Inspiration

So, I apologized on Friday about having a lack of posts, but perhaps that was a premature apology. I've decided that if I cater to the age group of my readership perhaps people will become more interested. Usually that means there are a select few topics to discuss. Since one of those topics is completely inappropriate, I thought I'd address ALCOHOL! Now, many of my friends are approaching that time in life where it's actually legal to drink, and while none of my friends seem like boozers, I figured since many of us have reason to celebrate these days, here is a list of Kosher liquor. If you're gonna party, do it right. ;p

He he, look... its a dyslexic smiley face with it's tongue sticking out. ;d Ha ha. As you can see, I'm more than ready to party. LOL!

Just don't overdo it, right?

On another note, do you want to see cool pictures that make you feel like you're drunk or seeing-double? You've gotta check this out.

Photo 1:
photo 2:

Friday, May 25, 2007

Are you an idiot?

Now you can find out. Take the idiot test here.

Look at the Nespaper I found!

They're onto my secrets! Nooooo......

Sorry for the lack of posts

Well, now that you are no longer stunned by the new look of my blog you're probably wondering, where are all the posts? Yes, well, I slowed down my posts on this blog because I'm working on a superdeeduper secret project that has been taking my time as off the beginning of this week. When the time is right, I and my friend shall unveil this diabolical secret project and TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
Ha ha ha ha ha...

However, until that time, here is something that one of my loyal readers requested. It can distract you while I work.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"Change follows the faithful"

Hmm, my title sounds like some hidden proverb that became mangled and incomprehensible. LOL! Anyways, I'm in the last leg of my college career, I might actually have a thesis topic, and I attended graduation, so I've decided it's time for change... How do you like my new blog layout? :p

Monday, May 21, 2007

Congratulations to me...

I graduated! CONGRATULATIONS to me! :D

These are my parents and myself after the graduation.

This is the inside of the Nassau Memorial Coliseum. (I sat in the middle.)

This was some graduation, let me tell you. I believe 1,900 students graduated, and at least 1,500 attended graduation. And EVERYONE who attended went up to the stage, had their name called, and had their picture taken. I had my 30 seconds of fame and I actually enjoyed the entire experience. YEAH! I'm almost there, thank G-d.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Guess the Countdown

This folks is the group participation part of the blog. In an attempt to encourage even more reader participation, I have created a little game for you.

Can you guess what each countdown is for?

As of Sunday, May 2oth, around approximately 1:17 am.

1) 1 day, 8 hours, 1 minute

2) 44 days, 17 hours, 15 minutes

3) 61 days, 22 hours, 40 minutes

4) 66 days, 22 hours, 39 minutes

Good luck, and may the force be with you... :D

Need a hint? Since I'm a softy, here you go.


Am I really going to graduate?


Two days to go... But more on that later.


Thursday, May 17, 2007


Finals Update: 6 finished!!!
WOW! I finished. Today was by far my busiest day all week. It started with a late night last night and an early morning. I was SO busy in fact that I didn't get to check my email or update my blog until now. (Sorry to everyone who was waiting on tenterhooks.)
So, my Physics final was a killer just in terms of the sheer load of material to know. The reason I was so busy is because I just barely had enough time to study everything after my final on Wednesday. The test today had 65 multiple choice questions and 12 short answer (or not so short) questions. Phew! It was a doozy, but now I'm finished. Yeah!

So, the reason I haven't updated until now is that I went straight from college to see my parents, then out to dinner, and then I hung out with my parents, and then (finally) I came home. Oooyah! Anywho, the grades are coming in and they're looking good! :^D

Anyways, I'm half asleep, so I'm going to go do my thing. I'll be in touch sporadically over the next few days (watch me update like 20 times a day instead - lol). Have a good one!


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Plethora of Updates

Real time updating suits me well. :^D

College Finals Update: 5 down, 1 to go
OK then, we're in the final stretch now. In less than 24hrs I will be finished with the semester. This final coming up is probably my second most challenging this week because it's cumulative from the beginning of the semester. OK, with a deep breath or two and tonight and tomorrow morning for study, I do believe I'll get through it all.

OK, all systems go for launch. 3, 2, 1... Blastoff!!!


Too tired to update?

I think not.

Tada! Here I am, on campus and ready for bed - not to rumble. I'm “snuffly” unfortunately, and oh so tired, but I shall press forward against the tidal wave of stress, finals, and life, which is rushing towards me. Poetic, don't you think? A bit fatalistic as well... I'll have to work on that.

How's this?
I frolic in the fields of green possibilities before me squashing the weeds known as dandelions, AKA stress, finals and, adversity in life, which attempt to masquerade as flowers and overtake the field. How's that for a metaphor? He he.


I'm off!

"Ready, steady - GO!"
And she's off, studying and running around some more. Her resilience and stamina are really quite astounding, and seeing as she's almost at the end of the race for this semester we're hoping she can keep it up until the end...

OK then. 9am wake-up call after going to bed sometime around 2:15am or was it 2:30am? Or does it even matter? Not really. I'm relying of the fact that this should be a pushover test. Right? Please. Pretty please with a cherry on top. *Puppy dog eyes* OK, fine, fine... I can see Sarah Rutti saying, "just go study Sara," and Rose would say, "no one else can pull you together- you have to do it on your own." Gill is just laughing at me in the background. OK, the collective pressure is pushing me from my blog and back to my studying.

Next update soon...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hey Look! News Update:

Are you breathless with anticipation?

Update : 4 finals finished, 2 to go
It's an intense time, I feel it in my bones.
So, the Accounting final went OK as far as I can tell. I messed up a couple of the terms (as I thought I might - they're just so tricky), but the teacher said they aren't worth much, and I trust him so I'm not going to worry. In fact, the entire test was pretty tricky, and while I'd studied the papers he gave us well, the test ended up being a little different than I thought. I'm not super worried though because, well, I FINISHED!!! Oh yeah!
*Dancing the "happy dance"* * Churning butter*

Anywho, I should go start studying for my Organizational Behavior test that's tomorrow. Then, if I still have time, I'll start studying for Physics.

Parent Update: Connecting Flight Delayed
My parents were delayed in Phoenix, Arizona at least 30 minutes. So, they won't arrive until at least 11:15pm, meaning they're going to get into Brooklyn around 12am. Poor parents.

Alrighty then, off I go to slave away some more. (Well, I'm going to procrastinate, I mean "rest" a little first. I mean, I have this blog I have to go check out...)



Study Update

Ok, I've finished studying for Accounting - meaning, I only have some terms to review before test. I knew it wouldn't take too long and now the question is what to do until the final. I have 1 hr 20 min. Of course, I need to go eat, and I could always start studying for my Organizational Behavior class... ha ha ha. Or not. I think I'll eat, space out, pray, review some more, take my test, and then assess the situation.

My goal tonight is to be on the 7:17pm LIRR train home. Let's see if I can do it! The final starts at 6pm so I have to finish in time to walk to the train... That's no later than 7:05pm. Of course, I'm not rushing myself. If I have to take the 8:09pm train home, so be it. Want to hear me ramble on my blog some more? No. Oh, OK.

Update to come...

Getting There

Finals update: 3 down, 3 to go

Wake up: 6:47am
I know, its indecent. What's more? That was the natural time my body awoke this morning after going to bed quite late although not unreasonably so. I was in bed before 1am (I think).

Good News:
I finished my Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Final
Yeah! And, the even better news is that there was a 20 point bonus! LOL. I feel great because I'm sure I did fine considering the 20 point bonus. Then I spent 20 minutes schmoozing with the teacher after the final and he offered to write me a recommendation for law school if I decide to attend.
Thank you Professor Waters!!!

Ahh, today is starting out just fine despite the early wakeup call. Oh, and my parents are coming in tonight. Have a safe flight Parents!

Okey dokey, it's study time for finals. Talk to everyone later...


Monday, May 14, 2007

Why aren't I studying now?

Yes, I met with a friend from California this morning and we had great fun, although I haven't gotten much studying done today. Oh well. I'll get to it in a moment, but for now, a California friend reminds me of California, and I have a meez that depicts "me" in California in a different "life." But, even I have my limits, so I'm not going to put it up here. Interested anyways? Click here.
Ok, now I'm really off to do my work. Have a good one!

P.S. Welcome new readers. If anyone would prefer I address philosophical issues as opposed to all light hearted fun, let me know. We can always have a mix of life's goodness without any harm done. :^D

*Thanks to Gill for the idea of a nose in my smiley's!

A Little Wacked Out, Eh?

I think the pressure is getting to me.
He he, I feel like such a whack job these days.

If this isn't a perfect description of my present state, I'm not sure what is. LOL!

Don't mess. Ha ha ha ha!

He he. This is also perfect, except in the original the meez is dancing all over. I love it!

OK, I think it's apparent that I need sleep, now. I hope you've enjoyed these and the other posts to date for those of you who feel behind. (Ahem) I'll be in touch... Have no fear.


The Best Part of Waking Up...

Is coffee in your cup. (I know, I changed the original to fit my needs. Anywho-)

There is absolutely nothing like having the cup (or cups) of coffee in the morning. Thank G-d for the creation of coffee. Of course, now that I'm fully awake and ready to rumble it's time for bed. What ill fated ironic muses guide my life? *Sigh* I just don't get it. :D But hey, let's enjoy the energy while it lasts!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Feeling Crazy

I have no desire to study, or do anything for that fact. I would love to go back to sleep, but - I really need to study so, I've given in to the need for caffeine.

Hmm, it seems I should watch the caffeine intake. At least now I can go study.

Wish me luck!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Google Me

Wanna hear something cool? (If not, shake your head silently, but be polite and read on anyways.) :D

You can Google me! Well, perhaps not me per se, but you can Google my blog. If you put "life 613" blog into the Google search box, my blog pops up at the top of the list. How cool is that? Also, if you do a more complicated search with key words like life 613, meez, funny, you can reach a Yahoo feed of my blog. It's a strange thought to think that someone would want a RSS feed of my blog on their homepage, but it's an option. Pretty cool, don't you think?

Look what came in with the e-mail this morning:

May 11, 2007 12:37 AM

Final exam exemptions from ECA112 and ECA226

The fact that you are receiving this message means
only one thing -- you do not have to take the final
exam in my class because the quality of your work up
to this point is sufficient to secure an "A" for the
course. Congratulations, best of luck in future
endeavors, and (most important) enjoy the summer!
Professor T*

I am so happy, I am sooooooooo excited. This calls for a real celebration!

*Name removed for the privacy of the teacher.


Ok, so my friend was kinda right when she said I'd be up all night making meez people, so I have to go to bed before 1:30 to make it seem like I went to bed at a "normalish" time. So, it's bedtime!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Party Time!

Yeah! I have a job offer! I'm not going to take it because the job isn't for me, but at least I know I should be able to find something. B"H!

Okey dokey. Gotta run.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


The goal of searching the Internet tonight was supposed to be motivation, instead I found, demotivation.

Procrastinator is my new last name

While I was searching for an inspirational poster to use as wallpaper on my computer, this is what I found instead:

Anyways, I am such a procrastinator tonight, bless my soul. Here is my procrastinator Meez-Ha ha, that's right - let out all that tension.

EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT! - "Interstellar Explosion"

You've gotta check this out:

“Astronomers Report Biggest Stellar Explosion”

An unprecedented event rocked the astronomy world this past Monday. It has been reported that the largest and brightest interstellar explosion ever recorded has been discovered, an explosion so different from a normal supernova that it is in a category of its own (see Figure 1). The star that was described as “freakishly massive,” by Nathan Smith from UC Berkley, was estimated at 150 times the mass of the Sun. Even more exciting is the fact that scientists are at a loss as to the reason for the explosion. It is interesting to note that usually large stars collapse upon themselves and create black holes or neutron stars; however, here the star exploded, forcing scientists to reevaluate theories relating to the demise of stars.

Again, while the cause of the explosion is unknown, scientist are exploring a theory known as “pair instability” that was originally put forth by Zalman Barkat of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem about 40 years ago. In this theory, the core of the star is filled with such intense radiation that pairs of electrons and positrons, the antimatter opposites of electrons, are formed. Usually, when a star is depleted of its core radiation, it collapses upon itself, but here, the core of the star is still filled with “explosive oxygen” that can “ignite and blow the star to smithereens with no remnant, black hole left,” explains Craig Wheeler of the University of Texas.

The explosion of this star has possible consequences for Eta Carinae, a star located in our own galaxy 7,500 light years away. Scientists suspect that Eta Carinae, a star that has 120 times the mass of the Sun, could explode at any time, tomorrow or billions of years in the future, in a similar manner to the interstellar explosion discovered on Monday. If Eta Carinae does explode, it is theorized that little damage will occur on Earth, although the explosion would be visible in daylight, and if it occurred at night, one could read a book by its light.

Source (MLA Style):
Overbye, Dennis. “Astronomers Report Biggest Stellar Explosion.” The New York Times. 7 May 2007. HTML link here

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Oh yeah... That's right.

Soon, I will be finished with classes. I just got out of my last Law class now, and I have three left tonight, one of which is only a review. Ha ha ha haha hahaha!

I'll be in touch.

Monday, May 07, 2007

The Redeeming Factor of Pain and Suffering

I knew that there had to be some redeeming factor in the middle of a day filled with pain and suffering. I just knew there had to be a silver lining to the gray cloud that is pushing my eyelids closed as we speak... and then I found it! :D Behold, the power of advertising:

Ha ha ha... I love it. I wouldn't say it's politically correct, but boy is it funny. (OK, so you probably guessed that it's a spoof. You gotta love photoshop.)

Here are some other cool pictures for your viewing pleasure all of the same website.

It's worth a try

Have you ever Google-d "tired" before? If you do, this is the first link that comes up.
Go ahead, go tell the people why you're tired.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

I'm working hard

Yup, this meez just about sums it all up.

Well, I haven't had time to post anything earth shattering or rant-worthy in days because... I'm working hard on homework. Big surprise, eh? Truth be told, I should go back to my macroeconomics midterm. I'm almost there, thank G-d. But, as a consolation to my devoted readership, I will continue to scour the Internet in my free time in order to share interesting and strange things with you. Have a good Sunday, and Happy Lag B'Omer (to those of you who care)!


Ha ha ha!

Too bad this doesn't work for the boys in college. ;D

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Who Woulda Thunk?

A strange thing happened this morning, I got a phone call around 11am. Now, my good friends will know why that's so weird, no one ever calls me on Saturdays. So, this person left me a message, and do you know who it is? It's Mr. Probeyahn from First Investors Corp. Who woulda thunk, eh? So I do have a job interview this coming Thursday. I'll let you know how that goes...

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Feeling much better now thanks

I'm just rearing to start my day!

- LOL. I know, it looks ridiculous. Have a good laugh, smile..