Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I Hate Movies

Okay - I'm upset. We're watching a movie in my Legal and Ethical Environment of Business class and it is so twisted in terms of moral and ethical behavior that I am experiencing physical duress because of it. I'm working really hard to keep my breathing calm and not to freak out, but I'm feeling a serious level of anxiety because of this stupid movie. (I was probably the only student in the class with my face in my hands cringing at the story content and language.) I noticed that since I've stopped watching movies, they now have a much larger impact upon me. I really hope I shake this feeling and that I don't let it ruin my day. o(>.<)o Oh dear... Save me! Somebody, anybody! I wish I'd never seen any part of this movie. It's emotionally torturous to watch. We'll, at least I know that I don't enjoy movies as I once did. It seems my own moral barometer can only handle so much, even if it's in movie form and not a part of "reality." Well, that's something. OK, breath. In, and out. In, and out. I'll be in touch... ;D


Sarah Rutti said...

Is that the movie you're watching in class? cuase i saw it a long time ago, i didn'tknow it was so bad? i barely reamember the plot line so i guess my memory isn't so good.... i hope youj're doing ok and can get up and out of this, try going for a walk once in a whil?