Saturday, February 03, 2007


Ta da!!! Yes, I know, it's very impressive that I am actually updating this thing. Well, since I actually have someone's attention out here, I decided to inform you of something I've found extremely disturbing.

Equus. Have you heard about it? G-d willing you haven't, but what it is, is a play staring Dan Radcliffe, the star of the Harry Potter movies, wherein the abovementioned star runs around the stage unclothed in certain scenes. Needless to say I found this greatly disturbing for many reasons. However, what really set me off was when I accidentally stumbled upon the promotional images. [I don't suggest any nice Bas Yisrael's go searching for these things, but if someone else finds this blog and has fewer inhibitions, feel free to check them out here. Clicking on this link will bring you to a "clean" link with a story and then another link to the pictures.]

Well, aside from the story I read regarding the pictures being completely ridiculous, and I quote,

"Thea Sharrock, director..., said: "Oh My God" when she saw
Radcliffe undress for the photoshoot in a hangar near Heathrow..." (original article)

I mean, what the heck is that?!? I am so disturbed, i can't put it into writing. OK, I should calm down right. In context, this quote was said as a comment to Dan's confidence in a situation where a 17 year old boy was asked to pose for pictures nude. Why is this OK?!?! In America I'm almost sure this would be illegal.

Furthermore, I found a website where women, full grown women, were going crazy over the pictures. Here is the comment I tried to post to the website.
"Is no one shocked by these pictures in a negative way? Maybe it's because
I'm from America, but if I wanted to look at pornography, I would look
elsewhere. I found these pictures greatly disturbing and I don't think
it's a wonderful thing that at the age of 17, Daniel feels the need to let it all
hang out on stage, in public. I'm really disappointed in him. Not to
mention the influence he will have on other teenagers... It gives me a headache
just to think about it. - Anonymous (Me)

Unfortunately, I couldn't post it because the website was overloaded and kept going down. [We live in a really sick world.] Anyways, writing about this is bothering me, so I'm going to stop.

Have a good motzai shabbos kodesh, and if anyone asks you about this whole issue, I hope you tell them it's repulsive and disgusting, and it's because of things like this that society is going down the toilet. :) Have a good one.


Sarah Rutti said...

y hello my funny furry friend, actually you're not at all furry, though highly histerical. Yes i know i spelt that wrong. I"m agree with you're disturbance onthe play being performed in enlgand, ewe But i guess SOME ppl enjoy that kinda thing?

Sarah Rutti said...

p.s thanks for you're thoughts on my blogg. appreciated- gonna go do my psyc research pp now