Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I just spent 20 minutes creating an update and it's gone!

Oh the pain! Oh the suffering! Me so sad.

More or less the update went along the lines of...

Here are some scary statistics:
-> In the past three days I've done an average of 6hrs of hw a day. In the past two days I've slept a total of 5.625hrs a day. Today I sat in classes for 5hrs 45min.
-->All in all, I'm starting to feel like this... --->But then I get this weird gleam in my eye, (I think it's my determination poking through) and I think to myself, If I do just a little bit more homework, I'll have accomplished even more! And you know what? Suddenly, I'm not really tired anymore, and I feel more like this:

Um, could I be addicted to hw? Weird...

Before the unfortunate demise of my first update, I espoused some philosophy about a person being able to choose what makes them happy, and what they considered free-time and fun. More or less I was justifying my relentless drive to do hw. Then I told people to stop thinking I'm weird because they're just jealous. (Hmph!) It's a passing phase anyways... I'd like to see how long I can keep this up.

Speaking of that, the last thing I asked my readership (on the extinct update, which died before it could be properly born) was, what is sleep? Could you define that please?

So, on that note, I think I'll go try and discover what sleep is on my own. Yeah!

*wisper* "Night night."


Sarah Rutti said...

you're really funny hun! But i've got to tell you that that's way to little sleep, quit upsetting actually. I don't want you to get sick or anything, c's. All in all i'm very proud of your accomplishments, even though i don't like how they got done. and i hope that you get to relax at some point in the near future, i' late for class so i'm gonna run. bye bye

SEP said...

Don't worry about me - I actually stayed in bed until 10:05am today. (The fact I went to bed at 3:15 has nothing to do with it.) I actually woke up at 7:30am and I was so sure it had to 10:30. LOL! But, have no fear, I stayed in bed as long as I could bear it. ;p

Sarah Rutti said...

good for you! i'm very proud of you and how much work you've accomplished, just be warned that when youcome i'm making sure yousleep as long as youneed, though i'msure we'll stay up late talking every night ;-)

Sarah Rutti said...

btw, i still can't figure out how to change my pic onthis thing, can youtry to explain it to me when youhave time?

Sarah Rutti said...

oh- and again, i don't get the top comic?

SEP said...

Thank you! I'll appreciate the forced sleep patterns.

Anyways, the top comic goes like this: The first guy is scared because one moment his friends were around, and the next they all disappeared to study for finals. The second guy then says, let's get out of here before something similar happens to us.

Get it?

Sarah Rutti said...

k? but i still don't get y that's funny ;-) no ofence, maybe i'm just slow?

SEP said...

Um, I wouldn't say you're slow, you just don't find it funny. They remind me of slackers... "Run for your life before we're forced to do homework. AAAAHHHH!!!" Get it?