Thursday, March 15, 2007

I Have Applied for an Interview to Enter Slavery

Sound dramatic to you? Originally I wanted to say, "I've applied to sell my soul to the devil" but my mother was upset by that title. :D

So at this point you're wondering, "What on earth has she done?" The answer is, I applied for job interviews.

So, at this point one might say, "that's not so bad. " But that just means that individual isn't thinking! Come on folks- we all know what working is really all about... We slave away, underpaid and under-appreciated, and we squabble amongst ourselves for the privilege to do so. Ha ha ha ha ha. Who's the one with warped thinking now?

So, I've just about entered the slave labor market, ahem, I mean, the job market, and I've got a feeling I'm about to experience one of the more unpleasant aspects of life. I'll keep everyone updated on my experiences.

--> And yes, you can look forward to more drama. I am a mini drama queen you know.

Side note to those worried about my sanity: YES, this post is dripping in heavy sarcasm. Take a deep breath and fear not! I am calm, I am pretty normal, and I know working wont necessarily be that bad. (OK, you can go back to whatever you were doing now.)

P.S. I have to attach a new avatar to keep up appearances. [Special thanks to SRS for providing the avatar.] Here you go:


Sarah Rutti said...

no, i haven't read this, yet. Im almost there. I have to run to class now and then i'll come back and finish.

SEP said...

I am honored. Let me know what you think, OK?

Sarah Rutti said...

i thought it was HISTARICAL and TOTALLY true. omg! thanks for addmitting it to the world, even though i preferr not to see MY job as such, i can see how you're job will be like that. I'm gonna attempt to do some more SEROUS hw doen today, yah to me for finding sources for my enligsh report and boo to the quizes i have to study for but don't have time to care about! be well this is a really long post - mwa~!

SEP said...

*LOL* I'm glad you appreciate my unswerving adherence to the truth! Ahem, I mean, the freedom of speech and my personal opinion (which definitely has a grain of truth to it). ;D

Sarah Rutti said...

just don't say too much ;-) you might not get hired ( C'S) hehehehehe - "you know boss, by signing this contract i'm agreeing to be a slave!" that might not settle too well ;-)

SEP said...

LOL! Either that, or he'll be like, "That's right! I'm glad we got it straight from the beginning. By the way, could you go get me a cup of coffee?" :D