Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Can't sleep...

So, yes, I am currently suffering from insomnia - It seems by brain isn't interested in resting at the moment. Be that as it may, when many people hear the words "can't sleep," they naturally finish the statement with, "the clowns are going to eat me," which originated with Bart from the Simpson's. So to celebrate and honor that memory, and my friends who remember, this picture is for you:

For a more graphic and accurate depiction, click [though you are officially warned - graphic/bloody/kinda disgusting material found] here.

Hmmm, I suppose I should try and go to sleep now. I have a really busy day/week/month ahead of me, so off I run to bed...


Sarah Rutti said...

y didn't you source the clown pic? and btw- that's a really gross pic, i just hope she comes on and enjoys what you've done for her- ew. though i don't know what you're talking about. IH ope you were able to get some sleep inthe end.

Sarah Rutti said...

annoyingness. my grade in pysc as gone WAY down.Now i'm at a 72% and that's a C! boo- i'm so upset.I better work my head off for the final or i'm through!

Sarah Rutti said...

PS. I love pysc and i'm taking the second coarse this summer :P

SEP said...

Ahem, well it seems the person for whom I posted the clown pic didn't appreciate it, so yeah. ;D Anyways, sorry about the Psych. I know how frustrating that can be. Anywho, I need sleep now.
Talk. Later.
Monosyllable sentences are a sign of severe sleep deprivation.

Emergency sleep mode activating. Nowwww...

(-.-) "zzZZ"

Sarah Rutti said...

ihope you're awake now? i'm sorry you're friend didn't appreciate it, though iknow who that friend is ;-) i'm not scared :)

SEP said...

@.@ Awake or wired? I'm not sure what I'm on at the moment, but I'm strung tight and cracking weird jokes etc. Here's one for you...

"I miss my lung Bob."

I remember when I saw this post card. It's the Marlboro man talking to his friend, while they're riding into the sunset. So sad... (What is wrong with me?)
Good night?