Monday, January 07, 2008

Let's Write

Dear Loyal Readers (which in all truth and sincerity refers mostly to my good friend Sarah Rutti),

I have just come across a boon in our writing instruction treasure chest. Yes! You've guessed it! (Or, at least I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.) I found an article written by an author whose works I enjoy. Interested in how an author writes his books? Me too! Here is a link to "the Creative Life Cycles" of a Garth Nix novel. I'll be honest. I really did find this interesting (and inspirational), therefore I suggest that all my friends read this and write happily forever more. Let me know what you think.

Have a splendiferous day!


Sarah Rutti said...

before I retire for the night, I'll try to read this over the weekend, if not tomorrow. I'm glad you enjoyed the wedding, and I hope that you're foot feels better VERY quickly.

Mwa, you're #1 fan!

SEP said...

Awww! I'm honored that you visited my blog while on your sick bed. Don't feel compelled to read this article - I just thought I'd share it with the world, and you could choose whether or not you want to read it. I actually only skimmed the second or third page. But I found the beginning and end interesting. Refuah Shelaima!!!

Hugs, from one of your biggest fans! (I wish I could claim the #1 spot, but you seem so popular, that surely I'm neck and neck with someone else for that position.) ;) :D ;d

Anonymous said...

I believe, that you are not right.

Unknown said...

Thank you anonymous for your input, however, based off of your vague and seemingly unconnected response to this, very old, post of mine, I wont be able to address your comment.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, your idea is useful

SEP said...

Oooh, I'm glad you benefited from my blog!