Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Toiveling Party!

Yeah! I actually got out and toiveled all the things that needed dipping in the ritual waters. And, no worries Sarah, the shot glass from Grouse Mountain made in back in one piece. :D Anywho, picture the scene:

SEP is waiting in line patiently as a young couple takes forever to toivel their silverware, glasses, glass serving dish, etc. Then, the next people up are Speedy Gonzales and his children. They're going so fast that you're worried one of those glasses from Italy might break, but no problems occur in the end. Now mind you, since you're waiting in line for half an hour to toivel your dishes, there's not much to do but watch the person whose turn it is to dip dishes and the like in the ritual tub in the wall. Finally it's SEP's turn to step up to the plate. Of course, she zooms into action. Bracha first, quick, but with kavanah. Then, the stuff starts coming out. I think the most interesting item that SEP pulls out of her bag for the audience wasn't the shot glasses, but rather the hunting knife/dagger that she bought at the Renaissance Festival with Sarah Rutti. :D He he. Anywho, everything else was standard after that. You know, silverware and the like. Then SEP walked home happy as can be...

So, the question is, did anyone see the hunting knife and recognize it for what it was? And if they did, what did they think about? Of course, probably no one noticed or cared, but the thought of a nice Bas Yirsroel pulling a hunting knife out to toivel it makes me smile. I like living in Brooklyn- life is "interesting" here.


Sarah Rutti said...

I'm sorry it took me so long to comment on this post. the writing was very daunting. But here i am. I love the knife btw. I'm sure that who ever saw you just thinks that you're gonna use it for cutting meat or something, like a butcher knife? all the same, let me know when you do use it and for what ;-)

Sarah Rutti said...

Additionally, nice flaming blue daggers you got up there, are they ninja knifes or something?

SEP said...

He he, yeah... a meat knife. >D

Anyways, the first picture is just a really cool stylized dagger drawing. You know, something you might find on the cover of some weird science fiction novel entitled "Martian Invaders and the Dagger of Doom." :D In all seriousness, I really like that drawing. It is a beauteous work of art...

SEP said...

beau·te·ous adj. Beautiful, especially to the sight. beauteously beau ' te·ous·ly adv. beauteousness beau ' te·ous·ness n.