Saturday, September 15, 2007

A time for beginings

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The new year has begun, and it is time for everyone to think. Personally, I ask myself these questions: Who am I? Where am I? Where do I want to go? How will I get there? Now is the time for change. Now is the time to show our Father and King that we wish to serve him and act in the way we plan to act for the rest of the year. It's never too late to start anew, and no one should ever give up on anything. Here's to trying, and here's to those of us still clinging to The Almightly! Good for us... now let's move forward and begin our climb in spirituality anew. Good luck to us and best wishes for the year to come. :D


Sarah Rutti said...

l'chaim! Thank you for the reminder. B"H, we're frum. hummm,,, now you got me thinking. we'll speak later. :D

SEP said...

Sounds good to me. :D

Sarah Rutti said...

I used a quote from your passage up there, about talking about pple, when i was learning lashon hara with Batsheva. Thanks

SEP said...

I'm not sure what you quoted, but I am very pleased to hear that I enabled your Torah learning - Baruch Hashem! Keep up the good work! :D