Sunday, September 23, 2007

Overdue Congrats

Sarah Rutti is doing very well in college so this is her congratulations page... I'm so proud of you Sarah Rutti! Keep up the good work!!!

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Last of all, for a bit of random fun, look what I found... (lol)

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Good job Sarahle! Congrats on all of your recent accomplishments and may you have continued success!

[Dancers Celebrating]


Sarah Rutti said...

Thank you very much Sara! It means a lot to me. the dancing anime girl is really funny, her hair is a little scary too. I love the toast and snoopy. The stuffed animals is a funny as well if i was a kid they'd scare me though :S The penguins are great as well. Thank you for all the time you put into posting this post. I'll need another one when the chagim are over and done, if i'm all caught up with hw as well :P

Sarah Rutti said...

btw, i just realized that those dancing anime girl's skirts are really short, a little revealing, but they're cute anyway ;-P

SEP said...

Yes, well, I was a little undecided about the dancing girls, so I didn't put it up on our story blog, but I liked it so much I wanted to you see it. Anywho, now that you've seen it and put up a link, I think I'll change it a bit... Oh, and I was laughing at your comment about the dancing stuffed animals. I also thought they were funny/scary, so I thought you would appreciate them! :D