Monday, September 17, 2007

A lesson worth learning...

I'm currently learning Ramban: A Letter For The Ages, and I read something that I thought was incredible! The author quotes Rabbi Avi Shulman as having written a mantra (in "Lifelines") that everyone should memorize and take to heart.

I am calm, serene, and in total control at all times. I am unaffected by the emotions of others. I will not allow anyone to unnerve me, or project his problems on me. I am clear, assertive, pleasant; I speak in a low voice, never degrading or negative. I do nothing rash, accept no condition unless every financial, organizational, and emotional factor is met, and I can succeed.

I am nice, but firm;
Pleasant, but resolute;
Delightful, but determined;
Cordial, but tenacious;
Respectful; but unyielding;
Gracious; but immutable;
I may not be in control of other people or situations, but I can always control my attitude.
G-d willing we can all take this to heart and consequently grow into greater people. Good luck! :D


Sarah Rutti said...

Thank you sara! I really agree with this, not that it needs my support. I appreciate you putting it up! I think that it's definitely something that we should all try to focus on in all situations in life.
I especially like the 'respectful: but unyielding' I thought of halcha when i read it.

Sarah Rutti said...

I love the picture, at first i thought that you had written a poem about water :D
It's a digital picture eh? cause it doesn't make since geographically ;-P

SEP said...

I'm glad you enjoyed this. I want to print it out in big letters and stick it on my wall. I'll have to work on that... Anyways, I think it is really important to internalize this entire mantra and start making it my reality immediately, so I'm working on that. Also, I thought the picture was awesome, so that's why I put it up. It reminds me of those surreal pictures we enjoy so much. Thanks for commenting on my posts!!!